Wedding Party
Man of Honor

John Pires
John and Anthony met in their freshman year at MSOE in 2007. They helped each other through school, had all sorts of extracurricular fun, and continue to do so.
Best Lady

Allison Luebke
Allison and Chelsea met through working at Spreekler LLC and pretty much became instant friends since they have just about everything in common.

Mike Tredupp
Mike is Chelsea's older brother who has a pun for just about everything. Growing up Chelsea and Mike didn't get along much, but now they have bonded through traveling together (also Chelsea got less annoying).

Nate Pleshek
Nate is Anthony's younger brother from Chilton, WI. He currently works at Vande Hey Brantmeier as a technician.

Aaron De Lanty
Aaron and Anthony have known each other since elementary school but didn't really hang out until high school. They spent a lot of time together then, and ended up living together for a couple of years in Milwaukee.

Ginger Kern
Ginger and Chelsea went to school together since elementary school, and have been friends ever since. They are now both Coloradans, and continue entertain each other endlessly.

Jenna Pleshek
Jenna is Anthony's younger sister from Chilton, WI. She'll be graduating high school this June and attending University of Minnesota Twin Cities in the fall.

Mary Dickson
Mary and Chelsea were friends since middle school, but became closer after 4 years of high school Cross Country and Track where they made up songs and talked about boys while they ran.

Kelly Gerharz
Kelly is Chelsea's oldest niece who is majoring in Women's Studies and Sociology with an emphasis in Gerontology and minoring in Spanish at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, WI.

Christy Gerharz
Christy, who is also Chelsea's niece, will be heading to the University of Wisconsin Whitewater this September, and is also an avid Volleyball player.